Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why Be Transparent?

With social media becoming part of the majority of companies Integrated Marketing Communications Plans, it is important to always keep one important point in mind: Be Transparent! 

What does being transparent mean? I discovered the blog post by Social Media Strategist, Sally Falkow, highlighting the fact that trust and transparency are equivalent to a company's reputation.

Sally mentions that the credibility of television and radio news is dropping so what does this mean for companies and corporations? This means that these companies and corporations have the opportunity to gain credibility directly. With a carefully planned and social media campaign, companies can use channels such as, and to engage in conversations with their past, current and future customers, they can answer questions and concerns immediately, they can allow customers to be involved in new product brainstorming, they can have contests and award prizes online, etc. The main point is: they can be transparent. If you are real, honest, reactive and engaged with your customers, you already has a strong competitive edge before doing anything else.

It is important to note that sometimes it is risky to be too transparent. One example is that if a company like Tylenol has to do a drug recall, it is vital this is posted on the website, but not opened as a topic for discussion with Tylenol's social media efforts. Of course, if someone asks, the representatives at Tylenol should address their concerns, but this would be an example with transparency should be limited.

So on that note, this week's tip of the day is:


Heard that one like a billion times before? Are you really drinking 8 glasses of water a day then? The easiest way I found to make sure this happens is I always try to think about what happens to a plant if you forget to water it. Notice how it becomes weak, droopy and in desperate need of nourishment? Well, that happens to your body too. If you do a quick search of what percentage of blood is made up of water, the answer is 82%! Now imagine that you decided to nourish your bloodstream with sugar-infused soft drinks or high-fructose juices instead of fresh, natural water? Drinking enough water is one the easiest, most accessible and beneficial health tip out there. I hope you encourage yourself to drink up!

Need more reasons? Other benefits of water that I found at
  1. Lose weight
  2. Natural Remedy for Headache
  3. Look Younger with Healthier Skin
  4. Better Productivity at Work
  5. Better Exercise
  6. Helps in Digestion and Constipation
  7. Less Cramps and Sprains
  8. Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy
  9. Relieves Fatigue
  10. Good Mood
  11. Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Do you drink 8 glasses of water a day? If so, what are tricks you have to make sure you do? If not, what is holding you back? Share your thoughts, I would love to hear!

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