Sunday, February 27, 2011

Staying Motivated To Work Out

Health Tip: Week of Feb 21, 2011

Life gets busy but that doesn't mean you have to stop with your weight loss goals! I stumbled upon a great article that gives a few easy yet effective tips you can do at home when you're too busy for the gym or a proper workout. View my video below that mentions the tips and Click Here to read more. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Top Ten Reasons To Loose That Extra Weight

This week's health tip is to provide you with the Top Ten Reasons To Loose That Extra Weight.

1) To feel better about yourself: I really this that a new sense of self confidence is one of the greatest rewards. You will start feeling better about yourself for every inch you loose.

2) To look better: It is always so exciting to see before and after pictures! Loosing weight will also make you look better.

3) To be healthier: By exercising and eating right, your heart and organ's will be healthier. Your skin, hair and nail will also be more healthy.

4) To be more active: I remember I use to hate going to cardio classes or joining my friends for a game of tennis. Now, I love to do both and so many more active activities. Once your body starts to loose weight and your cardio endurance increases, you will enjoy being active.

5) To get more attention: Obviously it's nice to get a compliment here and there, especially when you're single! You can (and most likely will) get more attention when weight loss goals are reached. When you feel sexy, you look sexy.

6) To be a different person: Don't worry about being that grumpy, emotional eater anymore. Find yourself being a happier, more confident and more radiant individual when you loose weight.

7) To be happier: If the reasons listed already don't give you reason's to be happier, the endorphins released during and after exercise will!

8)   To be able to try new things: When you are healthier and more fit, you will find yourself wanting to try new things. Take me for example, I will be running 10km's this year for the annual Vancouver Sun Run!

9) To have a new wardrobe: Wouldn't it be amazing to buy clothes that you like instead of buying clothes that hide your imperfections? One of the best feelings is to wear anything you want (even just jeans and a t-shirt) and look really good in it.

10) To motivate someone else: If you have a close friend or family member that has gotten out of shape in the last few months or years, you can use your success story to help motivate them. They would be forever grateful if you were able to help them change their life as well!

Good Luck! I hope these 'Top Ten Reasons To Loose That Extra Weight' will really help you to reach your goals.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Eat Healthy, Not Less

Digg This!

I wanted to start off the week with talking about a short, simple yet effective blog post I came across. The blog post on Best Health Magazine's blog listed must-eat healthy foods, discovered by scientists. The article can be found on my digg page ("manveet") or if you click here. 

The reason why I chose this article is being is directly relates to this week's health tip...

Health Tip: Week of Feb 7, 2011

Eat Healthy, Not Less
Are you a victim of yo yo dieting? Do you try to deprive yourself of food for weeks, and then only find yourself rewarding yourself with more food weeks later? Well, now it's time to change all that! This week, we're going to talk about eating healthier, not less. The blog post above listed some key foods to  consume: whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables. The best part of these food groups is that you can have flavour and taste, yet still loose weight! I encourage you to take this list with you every time you go grocery shopping and resist processed food as much as possible. Within weeks, you will notice you are eating satisfying meals, loosing weight and even saving yourself some money! That's three benefits you can be excited about when you say 'adios' to yo yo diets forever! 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Testing a Social Media Campaign

Happy February!
This week, I want to take the opportunity to design a test that examines a component of Nike Training's social media campaign. Nike has always been a leader in providing stylish, well-designed and comfortable clothing for exercising in order for individuals to meet their health and fitness goals so I thought it would be the perfect company to examine!

What will be tested: Nike Training's Facebook Page
What will the test be about: Do online contests on Facebook lead to in-store purchases the same week?
Objective of the test: Nike Training's Facebook page has over 52,000 followers but only approximately 10-60 responses for posts. This test is going to be geared towards seeing if more than 60 of the followers actually see the posts but don't choose to engage in commenting or clicking "like". 
Details of the test: It is going to be important to attract the followers to engage in this test. The best way will be to have a one week sale that will be exclusive to just the Facebook group. A promo code will be given daily, 2 times a day from Monday to Sunday. If a follower prints the promo code from the Facebook page and brings it to a Nike store that week, they will be entitles to 60% off everything in the store.  
Target audience for the test: The primary target audience is males 16-45. As the Facebook page is very male oriented, it would still be interested to see if females are the making the purchases or not so that will be measured as well. 
Why make this test: If more than 60 followers bring the promo code to a Nike store that week, that will provide the following results from the test: (1) Even though there are only 10-60 responses given to questions and posts on the Facebook page, more followers just choose not the engage in the interactions (2) The Facebook page is keeping the Nike top-of-mind for in-store purchases (3) It is important to have specials, giveaways and coupons/promo codes to make the Facebook page result in measurable revenue increases (4) To assess which gender made the purchases and what was purchased with the promo code.

Now on to my favourite part of this week's blog post...

Health Tip: Week of Jan 31, 2011

Let's face it... life is busy! With work, school, kids, friends, chores, etc, taking up so much of your week, it is so easy to make exercise a lower priority, right? I admit, I sometimes let other 'more important' obligations take over my time and I try to justify why I need to skip a day or two of exercise, but this will eventually go from one-time occurrences to repeat offenders!
My health tip of the week is that no matter how busy you are, you have to make time of your day for at least 30 minutes of exercise. Just 30 minutes minimum a day ensures you are maintaining your weight loss goals, whether you engage in a rigorous work out or keep it slow, the most important this is you didn't skip a day.

Here are some great ideas of 30 minute work outs:

Enjoy your 30 minutes (at least) of exercise today!